How do I cleanup old emails?

There can be several ways to remove old emails but if you want to do this in bulk it is best to be done through the webmail.

  1. You can login to webmail by going to your domain and adding /webmail to the end. i.e
  2. Enter your email address and password.
  3. This will take you to the webmail home screen
    NOTE: If you are loaded into your inbox you can close the on the Webmail Home button on the left side of your screen
  4. When you are on the Webmail Home click on the Manage Disk Usage listed under Other Webmail Feature
  5. This will take you to a screen that will show all your mail folders, how many messages they contain and how much space this is taking up
  6. This screen also allows you to clean up the folders but clicking on manage. The drop down list has a few pre configured options;

    • Message older then 1 year
    • Messages over 30 MB is size
    • Any message marked as read
    • All messages
  7. You can also use custom options. A few examples that can be used

    • Messages older then 6 months - savedbefore 26weeks


Other options

Using Apple MacMail to create an local archive

Using Microsoft Outlook to create a local archive

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